A Shift In Priority: What Sustainability in Business Means Post COVID-19

What is sustainability in business? —In a recent article for Worth, I shared my take on the changing market forces, their sources, and their impacts. Drastic shifts in consumer priority, as we’ve experienced through COVID-19, cause large-scale behavioral changes, and the market follows.

Why business sustainability is important? —Rarely is a crisis as collectively felt as COVID-19. People everywhere have confronted health and safety as a public responsibility. We’ve experienced first-hand our interdependence—how our actions can help or harm others, and how cooperation is integral for tangible change. 

In the article, I outline: 

  • Business sustainability is driving market competition. Signs of environmental reprieve and new disclosure expectations have solidified the trend of ESG investments outperforming other sectors.
  • Sustainability in business has a human side. Buildings with morale solutions will be more competitive, and philanthropic, employee-first company cultures will attract more consumer support.
In summation, investors are at an inflection point. The winning strategy for capital gain is going green and building a portfolio that prioritizes environmental, human, and business sustainability.